Branch Youth Programs
Muslim Girls Teen Club
The Muslim Girls Teen Club (MGTC) is aimed for young female teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18. Objectives include:
- Helping the youth preserve their Islamic Identity.
- Fostering healthy bonds between the young participants.
- Creating a nurturing environment to provide the youth with needed skills to prosper in their future endeavors.
- Educate our youth of their civic rights and duties and help them give back to the community by engaging in community services events and projects in the Greater City of Cincinnati.
MGTC meets twice a month on Friday evenings during the school year. The club organizes volunteering and other social outings in order to meet the program’s objectives.
Registration opens in the Fall.

Alzahrawat is designed for young girls aged 7 – 12 years to interact in a fun environment. Objectives include:
- Develop girls with a strong attachment to the mosque
- Develop strong Muslim identity to interact with other faiths
Alzahrawat Girls Club meets once a month on a Saturday from 3-6pm at ICGC. The program includes a lecture and hands-on activity (art, drama, knitting, sewing & etc.).
Registration opens in the Fall.
Youth Library
The ICGC Youth Library is designed for 3-18ages.
The Library organizes many programs throughout the year. The program includes book clubs, story time, Art competition , writing competition , Culture program… etc..
To learn more about the Library programs email