Get Involved

Why Volunteer with ICGC ?

    • An opportunity for a cultural experience while helping the community.
    • To meet new people with different backgrounds and develop an understanding of religious minorities in your community.
    • Participate in different programs with the focus on building bridges, helping the needy and others.
    • An opportunity for personal and professional development and

What Can you do as a Volunteer?

    • Volunteer with “Know your neighbor” to welcome and usher guests. Helping with the setup and cleanup.
    • Volunteer with “Sunday School” assisting staff during student’s pick up and drop off.
    • ICGC has various programs with opportunities for volunteers.

Where to start if interested in volunteering?

If interested in volunteering with ICGC,  please contact the Volunteer Team Leader,  Sister Asma Miller via email at​. She would be delighted to  send you information about volunteering  opportunities and how to join the volunteer  team.


A background check may be necessary depending upon the volunteer position assigned. By submitting this form you agree to have a background check conducted.