New Jumu'ah Times: 1st.

Lessons from The Seerah – Betrayals: Past & Present

“Most surely, there has always been an excellent role model for youin the Messenger of Allah(and) for anyone who has been putting hope in Allah and expecting the Last Day and has remembered Allah frequently.” 33:21

The prophet was expelled from Makkah.

Betrayals past and present:

  • This is similar to how the people of Gaza are expelled and have endured so much injustice. May Allah give them patience and victory
  • Five years since hijrah the battle of khandak happens. The man named hiyah ibn ka3ab initiated it through going to Makkah and he started a fitnah to start war with the prophet peace be upon him. His sole purpose was to kill the prophet and finish Islam and all the other Muslims
  • He was able to recruit 10 thousand soldiers.
  • When the prophet left Makkah from persecution, he was welcomed in madinnah with open arms from the ansar.
  • Abdullah ibn Ubayy, was a leader of the hypocrites during the time of Prophet Muhammad in early Islamic history. He initially claimed to support Islam but later revealed his hypocrisy. He was supposed to be the leader in madinnah but the prophet the best of mankind because the leader and this made him very jealous.
  • He betrayed the Muslims on multiple occasions. In the Quran the ayah tells the prophet not to be afraid of the people that are trying to betray the Muslims
  • when the prophet heard of the 10 thousand coming, he did consultation.(we should adopt this as something we do routinely)
  • The Battle of the Trench, also known as the Battle of Khandaq, occurred during the early years of Islam. One significant aspect was the betrayal by the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza, who had a treaty with the Muslims. Despite their agreement, they sided with the confederates against the Muslims, contributing to the challenges faced by the Muslims during the siege.

Lessons to learn:

From the Battle of the Trench, Muslims can draw several lessons:

  1. Unity and Cooperation: The alliance of various tribes against the Muslims highlighted the importance of unity among the Muslim community. The event emphasizes the need for us to stand together in the face of challenges and threats.
  2. Trust and Loyalty: The betrayal by the tribe of Banu Qurayza underscores the importance of trust and loyalty in alliances. We can learn the significance of upholding agreements and treaties, fostering trust within our community.
  3. Perseverance in Hard Times: The siege and challenges faced during the Battle of the Trench teach us the value of perseverance and resilience in times of hardship. Despite the odds, Prophet Muhammad and his companions remained steadfast in their faith and commitment.
  4. Practical Planning: The digging of the trench as a defensive strategy showcases the importance of practical planning and strategic thinking in facing adversities. We can learn to approach challenges with wisdom and foresight and do consultation with our community
  5. Reliance on Allah:The Battle of the Trench exemplifies the concept of tawakkul (reliance on Allah). We can learn that while practical measures are essential, ultimate trust and dependence should be placed on Allah in times of difficulty.