Who We Are

Welcome to the Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
The Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati (ICGC) in West Chester, Ohio is more than a place of worship. Since our opening November 9, 1995, we have come to be known to promote community harmony through spiritual services, education, social and community services, youth services, internal and external outreach. Our goals include working with socioeconomically struggling but resilient communities for a meaningful and purposeful change, strengthening relationships, enhancing educational offerings, and youth character and leadership development services and programs. Greater Cincinnati Muslims of all ethnicities and backgrounds gather here to pray, socialize, and learn. The larger community turns to us as a trusted source of accurate information on Islam and Muslims. Our doors are open to our friends and neighbors and many have returned several times.
The current ICGC property in West Chester was purchased in 1988. There were a number of community leaders spearheading the building of the Center who worked with Ahmad Samawi, founder of Mid-American Development Company. Not only did Mr. Samawi offer the services of his development company, he also made a significant financial commitment to build the Center.
The community came together and turned a long-held dream into a beautiful reality when the Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati opened in 1995.
Founder of the Campus
In Memoriam Of Ahmad Samawi (1933-1998)

ICGC Campus Overview
Mission, Vision & Core Values
Our Mission
The Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati (ICGC) is the Spiritual Oasis for Muslim Americans, Living Islam through Worship, Education, Service, Leadership, and Outreach.
Our Vision
Uplifting Lives as a Model Muslim American Community.
Core Values
God Consciousness, Collaboration, Mutual Respect, Moderation, Diversity, Gender Equality, Trust, Integrity, and Positive Enablement
Governing Board
Meet Our Executive Director
Henry Hane
Meet Our Imam
Sheikh Hossam Musa

He has been the imam for Ramadan’s nightly prayers (tarawih) since 1993 at various mosques throughout Metro Detroit and Windsor including the Tawheed Center in Farmington Hills, MI; Masjid Tawheed in Detroit, MI; Masjid Al Fatiha in Detroit, MI; the Muslim Unity Center in Bloomfield Hills, MI; the American Muslim Center in Dearborn, MI; Noor Islamic Cultural Center in Columbus, OH; and the Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati in West Chester, OH.

Meet Our Hifz Program Director
Shaykh Mahmoud Khalil
Allah SWT blessed Shaykh Mahmoud with completion of the memorization of the Holy Quran at the young age of 14. Shaykh Mahmoud graduated from the Grand Al-Azhar University College of education. He began teaching the Holy Quran since 2007 and participated in several Holy Quran competitions and earned first place in many of them!
Meet our Youth Senior Director
Isa Ar-Razi
Isa received his B.A. from Wright State University in 2004 in Political Science & Economics. Since then, he has been working with youth from Pre-K through College in various capacities within the Dayton and Cincinnati communities. Over the past 20 years, he has worked as a program director, administrator, teacher and coach for several non-profit organizations.
At every level of his career, Isa has focused on implementing hands-on experiences, coupled with education and proven processes in order to facilitate the development of well rounded programs. For this reason he has continued his professional development with courses like the Payor Management and the ADVANCE Leadership certification.

Meet our Social Services Manager
Samira Jaweed
Samira joined the Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati in 2015 as Program Manager for Rahma Community Services. Her role has since evolved and she currently serves as Social Services Manager for ICGC Social Services. Samira supports a team of 5 staff members in her current position. In addition to overseeing operations, she is also involved with strategic planning, program development, reporting, budgeting, grants, and marketing as well as external collaborations and partnerships.
Meet Our Accounting & Payroll Manager
Faiza Abid
Faiza Abid is the Finance & Payroll Manager at ICGC. Originally hailing from Lahore Pakistan, she is settled in Mason, OH since 2013 where she lives with her husband Dr. Abid Yaqub and 3 children, Shameel, Ayra and Shazeb.

Meet Our Staff
- Henry Hane (hhane@icgc.us) – Executive Director
- Sheikh Hossam Musa (imam@icgc.us) – Imam
- Sheikh Mahmoud (mkhalil@icgc.us) – Hifdh Program Director
- Ali Sabry Salahudeen (asalahudeen@icgc.us) – Adhan and Facilities
- Jelaine Abdullah (jabdullah@icgc.us) – Office Manager
- Ibtihal Saleh (isaleh@icgc.us) – Administrative Assistant
- Huma Khan (hkhan@icgc.us) – Accounts Receivable Clerk
- Aya Hijji – HR Specialist
- Faiza Abid (fabid@icgc.us) – Accounting and Payroll Manager
- Samira Jaweed (sjaweed@icgc.us) – Social Services Manager
- Taylor Kraft (tkraft@icgc.us) – Food Pantry Helper
- Leanna Allouch (lallouch@icgc.us) – Education Coach
- Jackie Othman (jothman@icgc.us) – Food Pantry Manager
- Luna Sakkal (lsakkal@icgc.us) – Islamic Weekend School Principal
- Firdos Ruhi – Firdos Ruhi (fruhi@icgc.us) – Islamic Weekend School Clerk
- Isa Ar Raazi (iarrazi@icgc.us) –Senior Youth Director
- Sadia Malik (smalik@icgc.us)– Youth Director
- Sabeen Sajjad (ssajjad@icgc.us) – Islamic Weekend Clerk and Activities Coordinator
- Racine Diallo (rdiallo@icgc.us) – Security Officer
- Yousef Alani – Parking
- 30+ Islamic Weekend school teachers
- 30+ Qur’an Connections teachers
- 40+ Youth Counselors
Our Teams
Learning Leaders
- Adult Education – Ahmed Elkady (aelkady@icgc.us)
- Khutbah Coordination – Ashraf Traboulsi (atraboulsi@icgc.us)
- New Muslims – Shahid Malik (shahidmalik@icgc.us) and Nasreen Fathima (nfathima@icgc.us)
- Quran Connections – Nehad Omara and Hoda Elgamal (quranconnections@icgc.us)
- Tours & Talks – Shabana Shakir-Ahmed (sshakirahmed@icgc.us)
- Karate – Abbud Abdal-Sami (asami@icgc.us)
- Ladies’ Fitness– Ruba Alkhatib (ralkhatib@icgc.us)
- Ladies’ Badminton – Ayesha Rasool (arasool@icgc.us) & Hudaibiya Sheikh
- Men’s Basketball – Munam Syed (msyed@icgc.us)
- Youth Basketball –Nadeem Qureshi (nquraishi@icgc.us), Munam Syed (msyed@icgc.us), Ahmad Saleh
- Alzahrawat – Mai Zedan (alzahrawat@icgc.us)
- Muslim Girls Teen Club – Mariam Elgafy (mgtc@icgc.us)
- Cincinnati Muslim Professionals (CMP) –Mariam Elghafy (melgafy@icgc.us), Chernoh Bah, and Abdul Salam Tarabishi
- Youth Library – Lauren Ibrahim (library@icgc.us)
Community Services & Technology
- Ansar – Junaid Malik (jmalik@icgc.us)
- Communications – Ayesha Rasool (arasool@icgc.us)
- Information/Audio-Visual Technology – Jani Syed (jsyed@icgc.us) and Adam Akka (aakka@icgc.us)
- Social Events – Hafizah Docraat and Maria Munir (mmunir@icgc.us)
- Volunteer Coordination – (volunteer@icgc.us)
- Family Connections – Hadil Lababidi (hlababidi@icgc.us)
- Welcome Committee– Zeinab Schwen
- Outreach – Samina Sohail (ssohail@icgc.us) & Shakila Ahmad (sahmad@icgc.us)
- Transportation – Nooraddin Bakri (nbakri@icgc.us)
- Funerals – Asif Gulame (gasif@icgc.us) & Hafiza Docraat
- ICGC Feeding – Shazadi Khawaja (skhawaja@icgc.us)
- Campus Upkeep – Syed Ali Farrukh
- Business – Hossam Elsayed
- Safety – Hosam Mawas (hmawas@icgc.us)
- Community Engagement – Hasan Idrees (hidrees@icgc.us)
- Security – Abbud Abdal Sami (asami@icgc.us)